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Security & ComplianceSecurityIf you lose access to your private keys, you will lose access to your identity and tokens on our platform.Private keys are like a secret password that only you have and are used to access your account, which is why it's so important to keep them safe. Think of them like a key to your safe deposit box at the bank - if you lose your key, you won't be able to access your valuables.We strongly encourage you to take extra care to keep your private keys secure, such as storing them in a password-protected location or using a hardware wallet. While it may seem daunting, taking these extra security measures ensures that you're the only one with access to your account and helps protect you from potential security breaches.ComplianceIf you are planning to upload or purchase data, it's important to be extra careful about the local data compliance regulations in your region.These regulations aim to protect personal and sensitive information from misuse, and failure to comply with them can result in hefty fines and legal consequences. For example, you may need to obtain explicit consent from individuals or businesses whose data is being shared or ensure that the data being shared is anonymized and doesn't contain any personally identifiable information.Ethical guidelinesWhen using purchased data, it's important to consider ethical guidelines that respect the privacy and rights of the individuals or businesses whose data is being shared.One important guideline is to ensure that the data is being used for legitimate purposes and not for any illegal or unethical practices.Additionally, it's important to be transparent and honest about how the data is being used and to respect the rights of the individuals or businesses who provided the data.Finally, it's important to keep the data secure and to prevent any unauthorized access or breaches.By following these ethical guidelines, you can ensure that the data is being used in a responsible and respectful way.Reporting misuseIf you come across any situation where you assume someone is:
  • Selling personal information without consent
  • Selling information obtained through fraud or deception
  • Selling information that is protected by law, such as health or financial data
  • Selling information that was obtained through hacking or other illegal means
  • Selling information that is inaccurate or misleading
  • Selling information that is discriminatory or can be used for discriminatory purposes
  • Selling information that violates someone's privacy
  • Selling information that is sensitive or confidential
  • Selling information that could be used for criminal activity, such as identity theft or fraud
  • Selling information that could harm individuals or groups
  • Please report it immediately to legal@learningnodes.com.Removal of PII and Copyright infringementLearning Nodes allows people to request the removal of their personally identifying information off our datasets.If you see your name on one of the datasets a seller has posted for sale (e.g. in the sample data), you can request to have it removed by writing to legal@learningnodes.com and provide your name, email, and the dataset your name appears in and we'll have the seller remove it.If you think you have copyright on any datasets listed in Learning Nodes, please contact us immediately at legal@learningnodes.com, please include "Copyright" in the email subject.We strictly adhere to the U.S. Digital Millennium Copyright Act and take any claims of copyright infringement seriously and will seek to resolve them quickly.
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